Tuesday, October 23, 2012

An Open Letter Re: My Favorite Pork Product

Dear Mr. Owens and Mr. Jimmy Dean,

I wish to inform you that I will not be purchasing your products for the foreseeable future. This is not a boycott, protest or complaint, but merely a natural consequence of discovering that Oklahoma's own Blue and Gold Sausage is available, six days a week, 52 weeks a year, at the Jones Drug Store in downtown Jones, Oklahoma. This sausage, priced comparably to your own, is leaner, vastly superior in flavor, promotes local charities (in this case, the Jones Kiwanis), and when I cook it the perfume of its aroma fills my home with a scent that says, "Welcome home!" And now that I have discovered that I can get it year round, I see no need to reduce my sausage expectations as I have in the past simply because your products were all I could get my hands on.

Thanks to Blue and Gold and the Jones Drug Store, my family will no longer be teased with the superiority of great sausage once a year then be forced to return to the gulag of greasy meat-bits you call sausage. No. Instead, we will enjoy the superiority of Oklahoma sausage year round, and we couldn't be more delighted.

A Blue and Gold fan for life

*All opinions expressed are those of the sausage-obsessed, euphoric author. :D*

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